I wanted to be a Fly Girl when I grew up.

My parents and I would watch In Living Color every week, and every week my parents would have to convince me that the show probably wouldn't last long enough for me to be a Fly Girl...I'd have to assume some other dream in life.
Unfortunately, like all parents, they were right. As good as I thought the show was and that it'd stand the test of time, it was canceled too soon for me to throw on some spandex and have a legitimate shot.
Recently, in light of the fact that I'm never home and too cheap to pay for cable at the moment, I've been hitting the DVD player hard. Good thing I have a pretty killer collection...which, of course, includes season one of In Living Color. I still giggle at Homey the Clown and Fire Marshall Bill, and I still find myself desperately wanting to be a Fly Girl, getting my running man on to the smooth spinning of SW1.
More importantly, I now find myself laughing over the costumes these chicks wore. Do we think neon spandex shorts will ever be fashionable to wear out to the mall, a restaurant or club again? Or how about a bedazzled bra worn OVER a white t-shirt? Knee pads anyone? Oh wait, my favorite is the criss crossed suspenders in the front...not the back. 90s fashions still make me scratch my head...but I'm sure that American Apparel will find some inspiration in it's ridiculousness one day and all the hipsters will be rocking crushed velvet leotards with knee pads and shiny doc martens soon. And I'll be soooo happy I'll be too old to wear that shit again.
xoxo Juice
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