
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Fugness of the Week

This one's for the boys...

Josh Hartnett

Take note: Manpris \ Capris on dudes will never be hot.

Josh is on a boat, though, maybe he had to wade through the waters to board... Even so, if that's the case, you pulled that shit up so as NOT to get wet, therefore what's the harm in pulling your pants back down? None I tell you. None.

He looks like a dork. There, I said it.


Let's talk LEGGINGS, shall we?

I'm a big fan. BIG fan of leggings.
Leggings can turn certain dresses into year-round dresses. Leggings are awesome when you bought a dress at Forever 21 and didn't try it on and you then realize it was made for someone 5 feet tall and you don't feel like flashing your ass to the world. Leggings are great for when you're traveling at 6am and you just want to wear that sack dress that makes you feel like you're still wearing pajamas, but you don't want your legs to freeze. Leggings are particularly great when you're feeling a little chubs and you pull those puppies up as high as they go control-top style...

THAT BEING SAID, a piece of me dies every time I see leggings with a shirt or dress that does not cover ass and crotch.

I do NOT want to see your cameltoe nor your cheeks exposed to the world. No one does! That's gross. And awkward. And it looks extremely uncomfortable. I'M uncomfortable looking at you.

The only time this is semi-acceptable is when you're working out and you're wearing "work out gear leggings" and your t-shirt shows a little booty and a little crotch. But those leggings are MADE for that...they're thick! And let's be honest, no one is looking at your sweaty outfit anyway when you're working out.

So ladies, next time you pull on your leggings, please make sure to pair with a shirt\dress long enough to cover your bits and pieces.

i feel better now, thanks.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Drew "Re-livin' the Good Times" Barrymore

Urban Outfitters was out late partying last night, ran into Drew on the streets and couldn't hold it in. Barfed ALL over her. Head to toe.

Fugness of the Week

Brenda "Cameltoe" Song

Is your crotch hungry, girl? Cuz it's eating your pants.


I don't know if this is a New England thing, but I've been noticing a ridiculous trend amongst twentysomething gals at work lately.

The choice of dress starts out ok, albeit boring: black trouser pants, slingback heel, appropriate work-attire blouse or shirt.
HOWEVER, "said shirt" becomes literally non-existent once these women enter their chilly office building, cooled to a low temperature of 58 degrees because, of course, studies show that people work smarter and faster when they're freezing their asses off...

Enter the Fleece Jacket.

It's a fashion killer. Picture the standard pale blue North Face fleece with 8,000 pockets and maybe even an old ski lift ticket hanging from the zipper...

I swear to God if I see another young decent-looking chick walking the halls in black pants, heels and a baby blue fleece I'm going to scream. These chicks could be completely fashion forward - they could be wearing a Gucci button-down with a big blingin' necklace and a scarf or vest or anything trendy for God's sake but yet they so easily sacrifice the "look" for "warmth and comfort" with a big, heinous, bulky, unmatching, plain jane FLEECE.
Bring a cute spring coat to work with you! Layer! Even a sweater that goes with the outfit is ok to throw on! Just PLEASE NOT THE FLEECE. Fleece's are ok when it's the middle of winter and there's snow on the ground. Not in May...even if said fleece is baby blue.
It's UGLY.

i feel better now, thanks.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Fugness of the Week

Erin Featherston
Sweet Jesus! Is Disco back? 
Ladies and gentlemen, this woman is a MODEL. And not just a model-model, a RUNWAY MODEL. It's pretty hard to make a 5'10", 125 lb. stick look "big" big props to these disco ball pants, because I can't stop staring at that large mid-section of shiny fabric. 

p.s. I bet my Mom rocked something like this back in the day. If you don't know, now you know: she was a disco diva.